Air conditioning system is designed to give a specific level of performance. the process of designing takes into consideration various factors. how ever once installed, the performance depends on how the system is maintained, the surrounding environment, the utilization of conditioning space etc.
Units that are placed near to corrosive environment will result in corrosion of the coil and other components affecting its performance and reducing the life of the asset. Too dusty and moisturous conditions will result quickly build up of dirt in the coils and filters limiting the airflow and also increasing the compressor operation time.
Air conditioning represents 50-60% of the electrical load in the middle east. better efficiency of the system means better energy cost.
We have partnered with Aeris Environmental, Australia to provide our customers with superior anti corrosion, antimicrobial coating products and solutions.
Our anti corrosion coil coating is water based and has a very high anti corrosion protection capability. It can be applied on new or in-use HVAC units. the coating is proven to extend the asset life by over 30 percent and is insurance against corrosion for many years, studies showing salt spray resistance of over 36000 hours. the product comes with a warranty of 12 months for in field applications.
The coating is applied after thoroughly cleaning the coil using an environmental friendly coil cleaner. the application of the coating creates a thin filament on the coil, and being hydrophobic, it reduces accumulation of dirt in the coil from corrosion and makes future cleaning and maintenance easier.
Our evaporation coil coating not only protects the coil from corrosion, but also reduces and controls microbial growth. Evaporation coil treatment is applied after the coil is cleaned thoroughly with an enzyme based coil cleaner. The treated coil, by reducing accumulation of dirt and controlling microbial growth increases air flow and improves indoor air quality. the other advantages of the coating treatment is increase in asset life and savings on reduces energy cost.